Full tone 2B
The Fulltone 2B boost is back!
The Fulltone 2B is the answer to all your boost needs, packaged in a handy size that fits on virtually any pedalboard. The basis for the 2B lies with the Fulldrive 3, which in addition to the crazy overdrive side was also equipped with a super transparent and powerful boost. After a lot of demand from loyal Fulltone customers, the company decided to also market this boost separately, and this 2B is the result. Thanks to the unity-gain JFET Amp, your signal is buffered when the 2B is off, so you don't experience any loss of tone due to the long cable lengths and many pedals through which your signal has to pass. With the Dynamics knob you add a subtle Germanium Diode limiter to your boost signal so that you can dim the excessive transient spikes that boost shrill high frequencies. Very complete and very good!
Input Impedance: Ultra-high 1.65mega ohms
Output Impedance: Ultra-low 300ohms..
Max Gain: 20dB
Size: 4.5" x 2.1" x 2.3"
Weight=12 Ounces
Power requirements: 9 or 18 VDC recommended.